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We're an award-winning Employer Branding and Early Talent agency.

By transforming employer brands and changing cultures from the ground up through early talent, we truly change the way people think about work.

Companies are powered by people, and people care a lot about work. We’ll help you attract and retain the right talent to bring your company to greatness.

We created a culture, not a company

When our founders started work, the culture they were looking for didn't exist in the companies they joined.

They soon realised that many people didn't feel connected to their work either, and wondered if that could change. What if there was more to work than small talk by the water cooler? What if you could find purpose within work, not just outside of it?

What we do
Man with beard speaking into a microphone
two people smiling in the sunshine
group of people smiling together at breakfast
smiling woman delivering a presentation
Image of three male colleagues laughing
two friends smiling with coffee by the sea
two people smiling in the sunshine
group of people smiling together at breakfast
Man in green t-shirt speaking on stage